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Two Weeks With Toddlers Class-Helping Hands, New Topics and More!

Dear parents,

We had an exciting and fun-filled two weeks in the Toddlers Class! From exploring creative art activities to engaging in dramatic play, our little ones have been busy discovering, learning, and growing.

Large Group

Our large group was amazing, as always! We started with the 'Hello' song and took attendance by giving the children a chance to stick their pictures underneath the happy face. We love seeing how proud the class is of themselves when taking steps towards independence like sticking up their own pictures. Afterward, we read the book Biscuit Finds a Friend, which was engaging and full of messages about bonding and camaraderie. Furthermore, the children got a chance to demonstrate their phonological awareness as they excitedly made the sounds of the duck and the dog as we read.


Our math activity was a lively, hands-on way to help support the students in their learning journey of identifying shapes. We started by going outside and sticking various shapes on the floor. We introduced the activity by showing the shapes, then called out names and asked the children to jump on the corresponding shape. Everyone did great! Some children needed a little help focusing and identifying the shapes, but everyone did their best and had fun while doing it.


Our art activity was a delightful adventure into the world of color mixing! We started by putting on art smocks and providing each child with a piece of white paper that had different colored dots on it, along with a brush. After explaining the activity, the children used the brushes to mix the colors on their paper. It was an exciting and amazing experience as they became very engaged and showed their creativity. After finishing, we took off the art smocks and washed our hands. We’re so proud of our creative class!


Our literacy session was enjoyable and engaging; full of teamwork and excitement. We began by leaving the classroom and in the grass area by forming a circle. One teacher hid the speaker, and we instructed the children to listen carefully and find it. At first, they didn’t fully grasp the idea, but after the teacher explained and demonstrated a few times, they became focused and eager to participate. The first child to find the speaker was Ivana, and she was thrilled! We repeated the activity several times, and the children stayed engaged and thrilled throughout. This activity helped develop their listening skills, teamwork, focus, and more.

On another day, we washed bikes with the infants class, which turned out to be an amazing session. We took off our socks and jackets, put on art smocks, and then began washing the bikes with sponges. It was a fun activity, and we saw a lot of teamwork. Afterward, we enjoyed some water fun, which added to the excitement! Activities like this are not only a great way to enjoy the beautiful weather and build teamwork and cooperation, but also teach the children important lessons about responsibility and caring for the things around us.


Our recent gymnastics activity targeted flexibility and focus. First, we practiced picking up a ball from one hula hoop and placing it into another. Everyone took turns and the older students amongst our cohort helped the younger ones  with their gymnastics, which was heartwarming to witness. It was remarkable to see how focused and cooperative they were.


In our library session, we chose a quiet and cozy area outside to read. To make it more exciting, one of the teachers wore a bunny costume, which the children absolutely loved. The bunny read a book to them.

On another library day, we sat in a circle, and the children chose their own books to read. They then picked a book to take home with them. We love getting to know each child’s personality and preferences through the books they select!


In our science activity, we focused on identifying "wet" and "dry" using towels. First, we introduced the concepts of wet and dry and discussed their meanings. We then asked the children some questions orally to engage them.

Afterward, we gave each child two towels—one with water on it and one without—and asked them to identify which towel was wet and which was dry. They also had the opportunity to try wringing the water out of the wet towel. It was a great activity that helped the children not only understand the concepts of wet and dry but also develop their language skills and fine motor skills.

Have a nice Christmas break! We hope you all have a beautiful, restful time with family. For those joining our Christmas break camp, a friendly reminder that the dates for the camp are December 23-January 3!







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