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Pre k this week!

Dear parents,

What a week in little Einstein’s! First of we would like to thank you for all the parents participating in our world themed family day. Our Halloween was also success because of parents sending kids with costume and candy. This has been fun as of the other weeks. We love being challenged in our small group experiences which helps us pick skills and learn new things. Like sports Monday, craft for Halloween. Library, tracing letters and colored Volcanoes. (Please ask your kids of things they enjoyed the most this week!?

Pre ks' have been curious of job divisions for boys and girls and we had a discussion about how both boys and girls can do each jobs except scared gifts of nature of giving birth. We also saw pictures of female super heroines and models. Please have a discussion about that to solidify the thoughts we shared.

Quotes from pre k

“What happen to you?”… “Why are you brown?”… “Are you burned?”

“My daddy was short before they have me as a baby and mom was stronger but now dad is tall and stronger after I become a baby!” we all had super moms before they had us!

“My sisters come to visit and its boring for them in Addis Ababa because there is no internet!”

Next week plans

Monday – physical challenge

Tuesday- Math

Wednesday- Library

Thursday- Literacy

Friday- Science

Specials: - Monday –Music

Friday - Art

Reminder: - please return books on Wednesdays so that they can check out books.

  • Hats and sunscreens for the sun.

Have a wonderful weekend!!

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