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The Kindergarten Weekly News

Dear parents,

Its has been a great week here at Little Einsteins! We all enjoyed the cool weather this week as it has been raining! Only one week left for the Art Auction! We have sent out the invitations this week. We hope you all can make it!

Week in review

This week the Kindergartners and pre-k met to discuss how their book would look like and decided that it was going to be a chapter book where everyone got a chance to tell their story. The book will be auctioned on May 12. The idea emerged from Barnabe and Circi wanting to share their favorite stories to the younger kids at school. Based on this the pre-k invited the kindergarten to participate in making of the book.

The book has funny, car , math , family, jungle and volcano stories. The students had a great time working together and are so excited as to who will buy it! Here are some quotes:

Dashiel- "I hope its not too expensive!"

Pepe- " I need lots of time, cause my story is going to be long"

Blythe- "I'm going to write about my sister when she was in my mommy's tummy".

Louis- "Its going to be a gigantic book!"

Plans for next week

Mon- Library

Tue- Zoo-phonics (Middle and ending sounds)

Wed- Math( number stories)

Thu- Collage

Fri- Causes of changes (Science)


Mon- Music

Wed -Art


  • Due to start of the dry season please make sure to send a hat, sunscreen, extra shoes and sweater incase it rains.

  • On Wednesday's please make sure your child wears old clothes and shoe for art.

  • Don’t forget to return library folders on Monday for the kids to check out books.

Have a nice weekend!

Maraki( 0911-48-76-81) (

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