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Our week in Early preschool and Preschool

Dear parents!

How was your week? We had a very enjoyable and fun week in Early Preschool and Preschool. We continued our large group routines and had some nice discussions, and even got to bake some bread in our Ethiopian center session! It was truly one for the books. Also, we have an exciting announcement! Next week, to end the school year with a fun twist, we will be doing our first LE Spirit Week. Please see the flyer below for information regarding that.

Large group

This week in our large group sessions we sang the "Good morning" song as well as our student’s favorite song the "Listen and wake" song. Then we went back to our message board where we took attendance with our usual smiley and sad face system. After that, we used taking attendance as a chance to practice counting and counted aloud how many students were present that day. We went through days of the week and discussed the weather. We also read a book called "Time to get dressed " which is engaging book with a great takeaway! The children loved it.

Traffic light: As we were having different discussions about the traffic light and the meaning of each color, this week we played a traffic light game. We started off by sharing the knowledge that we have together in a discussion. Then we headed outside to play the game. For this game we prepared green and red lights and one by one we had turns being the traffic person. 


 Music: This week music session was all about exploring musical instruments. We sat up a game where musical instruments were laid in a circle and the children standing around it, and then we played a song called ‘I can play to the beat’. Whenever the music was on the children were exploring one instrument and when the song stopped, they would move to the next instrument in the circle and explore it. The really had a lot of fun playing the game!

Duck, duck goose: This game is one of the favorite games that our class likes to play. In this game the children improve different skills such as gross motor skill when they are running around in a circle and turn taking as well as patience when they are waiting to be the goose.

Ethiopia center

This week, the children got a chance to put their chef hats on in the Ethiopian center! We baked bread together as a class. First, we asked the students to bring water in a jug. Then, they poured some water into the bucket we prepared, and added flour . They mixed the flour and water together and then reduced the dough in a small cup. They transferred it back to the big jug and tried to bake it on a regular pan. We had a great time. All the children were very excited. Also, this activity teaches students to work together with their friends to increase their focus, fine motor skills, and to follow different steps to do things.



In our library session we read different books of our students' choice. We also asked them some questions from the book we read and they answered us well. We had a wonderful time. As a reminder, please make sure to return the library folder.



Science: For our science session, we got to review our body parts by playing a game. We started this session by going through the names of body parts together then we explained the game and two by two the children had a turn playing. Each time two of the children sat in front of each other the teacher. The teacher would call out the name of one body and the two players were touching it, but then in the middle the teacher would say ‘cup’ and at that time one of the players would pickup the cup from the middle first.

After everyone got a chance to play, we started giving the children a chance to lead the game where the called out the body parts by themselves. They felt so proud doing that!

Have a nice weekend dear parents!


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