Kindergarten Weekly News

What a busy week it was in the Kindergarten class! When a new month starts we sit down and observe our calendar and discuss what new events the month has. For the month October we noticed that two of our friends have birthdays this month, we have a family day on Oct 27 and Halloween is on Oct 31st! After thorough investigation and thinking we figured out that family day and Halloween are only 4 days apart! The children decided to celebrate Halloween on family day! Many wonderful ideas were raised!
Tips (
What we are learning!

Children begin to learn early literacy skills at birth through everyday interactions such as sharing books, telling stories, singing songs, talking to one another, or pointing out and naming objects (Bohrer, 2005, Ghoting, 2006, Daimant- Cohen, 2007).

Books play a major role in children’s learning development. Picture books are an important source of new language, concepts, and lessons for young children.

Our kindergarteners love reading books and going to the library! They asked this week if it was possible to make their own book! We also learned new words such as Author, Catalog, Magazine, Check-out, and Check-in!

Our books made it to the shelf! We are proud Authors!
Please make sure to send in the Library folders on Monday.
We engage in active exercise on Thursday for our music and movement class, so please make sure to send your child in comfortable clothes.
Have a lovely Weekend!
Maraki- +251-911- 48-76-81