Kindergarten Weekly News
Hope you had a restful fall break! Little Einstein’s staff was on training on Monday and Tuesday. Negede and I discussed with the staff and brainstormed together regarding our curriculum.
We also discussed what we are doing well as a staff and what we need to develop and work on. We will be working closely with the staff through the school year to help our students and staff grow as a team!
School will be closed on November 20th (tentative) for Maulid celebration.
What happened this week!
Kindergartners were so enthusiastic to be back in school! We kicked off our week by continuing the projects we started before the break.
We visited our Preschool and Early Pre-k friends to introduce Zoo-phonics. We had a great time and thank you for inviting us!

During our family day preparations we worked on creating a human skeleton and the pre-k class helped us. Our next step was to put the skeleton together. We read the book ‘Your Body’ and learned fascinating things about our body frame. We covered the terms joints and ligaments and how they are useful to our body.

We put our skeleton puzzle together to help guide us in positioning our bones together.
There was al ot of discussion during this part. The students problem solved throught the activity as they tried several ways to tacle it.

After completing our model version, the students decided to draw on the face of the skeleton and said that it was a happy skeleton! We will discuss next week where and how to hang it.
Later on we made a small hamster skeleton.
Fun quotes from here and there!
Ruby-"Look we can hold on the strings and make it dance!"
Zemel- " My bone is blue on the inside!"
Please make sure to check out our skeleton in our classrroom when you drop by!

Our first art works of the year are out!

Book store updates:
We are proud to announce that our young Authors have completed writing 30 books! It is amazing to see the growth in their story each week.
Everyone is so excited about the grand opening.
Students helping out eachother to their book into the shape they want.

This week for Literacy we explored tracing lowercase letters. It helped us differentiate between the uppercase letters. We will continue to explore this area in the upcoming weeks.
For our math class we started skip counting by 2s . It was our first introduction to this skill and we shall be working closely around this area.
Have a lovely weeekend!
Maraki- 0911-47-76-81