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Preschool and Pre-K

Dear parents,

Just another exciting week pass in our school. Hope you had one too. It was so exciting to see our kids being helpful to each other, creating friendship and also being a good assistant to their teachers. We had a talk about our school traffic rules, how they can ride a bike inside the yellow line and follow the direction of the arrow to help them ride in the right direction. We also talked about where to put our helmets and balls and after that everyone was a traffic police for a short amount of time!!

What we covered in our large group

We had fun and effective large group. We keep doing our zoo phonics in our board and they all got pretty good at it. The most fun part of our large group this week was, when we talked about christmas and Santa. They all told us what Santa should bring them. Here are some heads up for parents!!

Helle; “I want a big shoe and Anna dress!”

Mukeh; “I want a house and a big spiderman!”

Tinxin ; “I want Elsa dress”

Rachel; “ A rainbow dress for me, pink shoe for Elsa and purple shoe for Anna!”

Melo; “A clown nose…..a very funny clown nose!!”

During Small Group

Storytime Monday; we shared some stories to our friends and teachers. It's nice to see them being confident now than the other times.

Math; we are still focusing on number identification and at the same time, refreshing their memory with counting and pattern. This week we divided the numbers from 1-5 and 6-10. We used pieces of papers with different colors. The preschoolers used the same materials as last week, which was a paper plate with a number written on it.

Season Wednesday; in our science class, we get to talk about seasons. We are planning to talk about it in deep for next week. We will be doing matching weathers with the cloth we wear and shoes we put on during that season.

Fine motor Thursday; we divied our class into two groups (preschool and early pre-k) we wanted to refresh their finger movement and eye coordination. For preschoolers, we gave them play dough and toothpick and let them explore and they made different shapes. For the early pre-k’s, we gave them yarn, pipe cleaner, and beads. They have no problem putting the beads in the pipe cleaner but they had a bit hard time putting the bead in the yarn, after some trying, they got it right.

In our special class

Music and Gymnastic; it was another fun and physical development day. They get to stretch, tried to move with their hands and relax.

Art; as we mentioned before about our small project, which is about a rainbow, we finished our sky and this week we finished with our clouds!! Next week will be the main event, which is the rainbow!!

Our picture this week

Next Week Plan

Monday- cooperative game

Tuesday- Math

Wednesday- Science

Thursday- Literacy

Friday- Library (fun with books)


Mon- Music

Wed- Art


Wednesday is our Art day, please make sure your child wear their ‘Art clothes’ because we use paints and our activities get messy!

Friday is our Library day!! Don’t forget to send library folders so your child can choose a new book.

Please send your child with sunscreen and hat.

Have a Nice Weekend!

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