Infants, Toddlers and Transitional Toddlers Weekly Blog
Dear Parents,
We had a nice week, most of the children are traveling for Christmas and New Year break. This week most of our activity was about Christamas. From all the staff at Little Einsteins we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We are closed from the 24th of December to 11 th of January for a winter break!!
Here is what we did in the past few months.
Helping each other to develop
our fine mottor skills!

Sometimes we will relax In the class room!

Having a lot of movment by
Through under the tunule!

Swiming and splashing in our
Ocean Center!

Taking Care of the dolly!

We Hope you have a wonderfull Break!!
Infants, Toddlers and Transitional Toddlers Team!