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Pre-k & Kindergarten

What a fun and exciting week we had! We had a guest this week from the Infant class! Malala came to our class and read books with us. We are happy you came Malala!

Playing games while we wait for our turn to use the bathroom! ------->

<--- We love helping our friends out during transition!

This week we had so much fun during circle time as we played different games such as the Phonics Freez where we laid our Zoo-phonics cards on the floor and we danced to a song. When the music stopped we listened to what sound (letter) our teacher made and when we figured it out we would get the card and continued dancing till the music stopped.


We had three language explorations this week! We started by playing a game. We had the students look at different cards and after the memorized them we flipped them and asked which card was what.

The students were excited to work closely with the zoo phonics. We started by asking our friends which letter makes what sound. We all had two letters and made the sound in front of our friends.

We then gave each student to make as many words as possible with each letters we each had. To make it interesting the letters given to our friends were the starting letters of their names.

The next day we went to the community center and gave the students a letter and asked them to find things that start with the letter they have. The students want to continue this activity next week in another center!


We continued our environment exploration. The ocean was our main topic. We talked about what oceans were. Most of us had the chance to see the ocean up close and personal. We talked about what the ocean consisted of.


Anna and Camilla said “ a lot of water”, while Leyon said “sand”.

Julieta told us about an island she saw at Madagascar. So we figured we would need an island in the ocean. Noah said, “my dad made me taste the ocean water and I didn’t like the test.”

Camilla followed “it’s because the ocean water is salty!”

After the students shared their experience.

We then went out to our ocean center and made an ocean of our own. After putting sand and water we added blue food coloring. Leon said, “We have an actual ocean.” After our observation we finally put our hands in and felt the ocean floor.

Have a lovely weekend!!!

The Pre-k and Kindergarten Team

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