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Early Preschool This Week

Dear parents,

We had such a fun week. Thanks for your quick reply to the survey. It was such productive feedback to make the school a better place for the kids.

Large groups

We had fun reading books, singing songs, and discussing current issues on our message board.

Books - this week’s popular book was “the gingerbread man” Hazel really liked that book, and on Thursday when all the kids wanted to read the book together, she started to tell them the story from the book turning every single page.

Songs - This week we introduced them the ‘hello’ song to replace the ‘Good morning song’ and children liked it.

Message board – every day we had three different messages on the board, the primary one was attendance. We try to see who is here and who is not here. The second one is “message of the day”, which gives us a chance to talk about what current issues we have around the school. Some of the messages were about weather and how to get dressed according to different kinds of weather, how we interact and play with our friends, and yet other days we talked about numbers or letters and we tried to see closely what they look like and how we write them. The last part of the board was our special exploration for that day.

Small group explorations

Math: on Monday we continued practicing our pattern making skills using different counting materials. Zak wanted to use the 'counting dinosaurs' to make his patterns and Nolawi was introduced to pattern making after he sorted 'counting cars' based on their color.

Science – Tuesdays exploration was experimenting with wet and dry materials. We prepared water absorbent materials like sand and non-observant materials like dry leaves. We aimed to see what will change when materials absorb water and what differs them from the non-observant ones in terms of properties. Some quotes from kids include:

” Look the sand is turning into black.”

“The leaf is not changing”

Fun Thursdays – this week on our fun Thursday we went outside to complete obstacle challenges.

The kids were so energetic to complete their task of climbing, rolling, crowing, jumping, running and hopping. They also did a great job collecting ribbons throughout the course.

Literacy. On Friday morning we practiced our writing skills using tracing papers and we tried to make copies of zoo-phonics letters. The letters we practiced were all lower case letters.

Have a great weekend!

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