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Kindergarten Weekly News

Hope you had a splendid week! Thank you to all the parents who partook in answering our survey! Your input will make us work even harder!

We adored this week, as it was cool and breezy. We checked the forecast every day to see if it was going to rain or not! Here are a few quotes!!!

Sun: Maki where is the sun? I can’t see it!

Maraki: I can’t see it too!

Sun- Oh! It's just going cloud today! Get ready for rain!

Week in review!


We had a lot of fun playing games with Miraf’s class. We split into two groups, and each of us had a plate to hold the balloons that were filled with water. Balancing a balloon filled with water on a plate is one hard task - that we can tell you! After several efforts, we decided to use our hands instead, and we accomplished balancing the balloons!

The next thing was to pass the balloon to a friend, and that friend would pass it forward. The last person in the line would place the balloon in the box. Everybody was motivated and played a role to make sure that the balloons reached the box safely! Thank you pre-school and early pre-k class for having us this week! We appreciated every moment! We can’t wait what Miraf has stored for us for next week!!!!


Continuing from our previous ‘Lines’ art session, we got together and recalled some of the things we saw when we walked around the school looking for straight lines. There were some shapes we saw that didn’t look like shapes. They didn’t have a starting point or an ending.

We took yarn from our shelf to model the type of lines we saw. Each student’s interpretation was different.

‘Mine looks like a mountain! It goes up and down'. - Camilla

' You can change them in any way that you want!' -Leon

' They are wiggly! They go around and around, or you can even make it look like a snakes body'. – Julietta

Sight words

This week we decided to work on blending the beginning sounds of words. Every Monday we get our blue file that contains all the worksheets and choose the worksheet of the day. Last week we planned on working with sight words but we came across this worksheet, and we had to explore with it!


We were lucky this week as we had two science activities! We would also like to thank the pre-k class for inviting us to their science class! We grow and learn together! We started by looking at pictures of a volcano and lava. We talked about where volcanoes are located. After we spoke about volcanoes, we started discussing what we would need for our volcano. Marlow said we need stones. Noah said we need mud. We went out and collected dirt and rocks around our grass area.

Exploring colors of shade was a very relaxing activity! The previous day we put different food colors in a cut and stored them in the freezer. The next day we placed them in the sun for around 10 minutes, and when we were able to get them out of the cup, we started exploring with them! The students wanted to rub the ice on the floor of our school compound. We created stunning shades! It was so much fun that the students decided to put the leftover colors back in the freezer so that they can explore more the next day!!!

We planned to explore with weights this week but couldnt explore as we found out that it was our friend Seven's last day. We made cards for him instead and we will continue with our plan next week. We are sad to say goodbye to Seven. We hope to see you soon! Have a wonderful break!

Next week plans!

Monday- Library and Handwriting

Tuesday- Art and Science with Pre-k ( Volcano)

Wednesday- Math (Weight)

Thursday- Games with Miraf

Friday- Sight words ( Can you find them?)

Have a wonderful weekend!


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