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Infants and Toddlers

What an amazing week we had! The children had a wonderful time out at the playground with their friends using water to draw on the black board and drawing on the ground using different colored chalks.

Large group

Large group time is always fun! we started with exploring the different corners, but the most popular corners were the puzzles and the animal corner. After that we sang the ‘hello’ song followed by one new song titled ‘This is big, big, big’ and one finger play song called ‘1,2,3,4,5’.

Small Group

This week for small group we had Art, Music, Texture Feeling, Color Sorting, and Big and Small. For Color Sorting we had two different activities. For the first activity we used four baskets with colored tapes on them and balls with four corresponding colors namely red, yellow, blue and green. And the second game was using counting bears.The children enjoyed both activities.

Before we started the activity we sat down in a circle on the playground and talked about the different colors we had in our box full of balls. One by one we tried to name the colors we saw. After that we dumped the balls out, put the baskets with the colored tapes in the middle of the playground and asked the children to grab a ball and find a basket that matches the color of the ball they had in their hands. Everyone really enjoyed running around the playground trying to catch the balls and got really excited when they put the balls in the right basket.

And for the second color sorting activity we used smaller materials for the bigger children, just like the balls we used four different colors, but instead of going outside on the playground we went back to our large group room and we dumped the coloured bears on our mat and we tried to collect all the similar colors together like red with red, blue with blue. After we were done with that we had a short time to play with the bears.

Art this week has been a bit of a messy activity. We had two types of pasta: straight ones and curled once and four types of paint: green, blue, red and yellow. We had children paint the pasta using brushes and popsicle sticks, but by the end of the activity the children wanted to use their hands which they found to be really entertaining.

Next week


Tuesday-Texture Feeling


Thursday-Color Sorting

Friday-Bog and Small


Every Wednesday, please make sure your child wears old clothes and shoe for art class. We send out Library books on Wednesdays’; please make sure to send it back on time.

Due to the dry and windy weather, please pack a hat for your children if you have any questions feel free to contact us during school hours.

Have a nice weekend!

Infants, Toddlers, and transitional Toddlers Team!

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