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Infants and Toddlers Monthly Update

We are happy to inform you that Hannah is back! The children were so excited to see her. She has taken over the class this week, and I have slowly steeped out. Happy to say we had a smooth transition, this is Hannah’s number +251 920 819 944 please contact her for any information. I am available at all times and working with the group with planning and observations.

We sent out a nanny contract, and please take your time to read it and send it back with your signatures. If you have questions or comments please lets us know.

We had a great time celebrating our annual Meskel Celebration. Despite the rain, we also came together for “Demera” (Bonfire) and it was beautiful! We would like to say thank you for coming on Friday!

Infants and toddlers class is growing in number, this week we welcomed a new member to our Little Einsteins family! Welcome Tanishq!!

We believe it will be best to send out emails every two weeks unless we have an issue that can’t wait for that long. We will be posting on our blog every month to update you on what we have been working on.

This month in Class!

We are still exploring and keeping our theme. All about me! As you know, we change our small group exploration plans every two weeks because we want to give the children time to explore and discover new ideas with a little bit longer time.

We had our usual music class on Mondays, and the children had an exciting time while dancing to the music and exploring with different musical instruments.

We created a small and fun games where we wrapped our speaker in a scarf and asked them where the sound was coming from, they were ‘Busy bees’ trying to figure out where the sound was coming from and they finally managed to find the speaker!

Art class was filled with fun activities, and we were busy painting pasta with food color to make necklaces for Fridays Meskel celebration. This week we worked on individual collage. We used different materials from our art room to make our collages!

Dance Mr. Dawit is another class we get excited about every Wednesday. Learning new moves, listing to the beat, and keeping a Rhythm.

Next week plans

Monday - Music

Tuesday - Literacy

Wednesday - Art

Thursday - Science (Sensory exploration)

Friday - Math


Fridays - Library

Wednesdays - Art and dancing class with Dawit

Mondays -Music

Enjoy these pictures!!!

Have a Great week!

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