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Blog For Early Pre School ,Pre School And Early Pre - K

Greetings Dear Little Einstein’s Families!

Hope this Blog finds you well!! This week was a fun -filled week that we have spent it with such a fun activity with friends!!


We read our books, sing songs and practice counting numbers and matching activity, drawing journals, cutting papers and reading zoo phonics as well in our large group!!

Small group

Cooperative game for preschool and Early Pre-k

Passing a play ball by handling, rolling teaches kids social skills like cooperation and sharing. This type of social skill development play teaches them how to take their turn and rely on the other person to keep the game going, and sometimes to communicate and ask for the ball back. Besides we have been playing passing the ball in our circle and we add up some additional activity. One of our friend from the circle close her /his eyes then we passed the ball when that kid says stop, passing the ball will get stopped then that kid have been asked to make something so our kids were asking different tasks like hugging their friends, to show one dance move, to jump, to sing and ask them to do what they like. We were having fun and learn how to socialize and take turns.

For (Early Preschool)

Balloon play can be a great way to boost resilience, which is the ability to recover from setbacks and keep going even when things go wrong. It can also build persistence as they learn to keep trying even when it is difficult. These skills are important for emotional development and learning new things. Beside this we have been playing with balloons like this : we put different objects like book, blocks ,bears and dinosaur on the floor then ask the kids to kick the balloons high then collect the toys till the Balloons reach to the floor .Thus this game makes our kids bit tired but they were having fun and develop their fine and gross motor skills ,eye-hand coordination as well .


Working with zoo phonics is becoming our kids favorite class we have observed that they are having good knowledge about letters. They are becoming more familiar with the story actions and the sounds that the letters make.


As we have been working on the body parts. We continue the lessons by discussing and introducing the internal part of our body parts. We have been having such a wonderful discussion with our kids that they pop lots of ideas.

"I have seen my body part when I wash my body at home."

"I feel something that says boom boom it is my heart.”

"That is the cake that I eat for my breakfast goes up and down in my body.”

“Inside our body there is a skeleton.”

That was such a good and fun filled discussion we had with our kids we end up by singing a song title "Dem bones” that makes our kids to dance like a skeleton, learn and enjoy as the same time.


(For Preschool and early pre -K)

We continued working on the artwork that we have been started last week. Our kids were excited to decorate and paint the shapes that they draw before they all were painting it as pretty as well.

"Look I paint this red just like me.”

"This is me and my dad."

"I will use pink for the dress."

(For Early Preschool)

Finger painting is a great way for children to explore, learn and develop through sensory play. When children can feel the cool, squishy texture of the paint and experiment with color and patterns, it encourages their creativity. It's also a good way for children to express emotions. Thus, we have been making our art work with our finger print that we all like and enjoyed.

Preschool and Early Preschool and Early pre –k Explorations schedule

For Preschool and early pre –K

● Monday - Cooperative Game

● Tuesday -Literacy

● Wednesday – Science

● Thursday – Math

● Friday – Library


● Monday –pottery

● Tuesday – Music

● Wednesday – Art

● Friday –gymnastic

For Early Preschool

● Monday –Cooperative Games

● Tuesday-Literacy

● Wednesday – Science

● Thursday –Math

● Friday –Art


● Monday - Music

● Friday – Art

● Thursday – Library


● We seem to have rainy days quite often than expected. We kindly ask you to send your child with rainy day outfits so we can make the most out of our time at school.

● On our Art days try to send the children with Art friendly clothing.

● Don’t forget to return Library folders on your child’s library days.



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