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BlogFor Infant And Toddles

Greetings dear parents,

We had an amazing two weeks with our lovely children, learning throughout playing games, exploring with the school compound materials like sliding, swinging, playing with merry go round, jumping on the trampoline and so much more.

Past two weeks we worked on:

Large Group

As always, we started our large group by working on our attendances, we sang different song related to our body parts like Eye, Ear, Nose, Mouth, Fingers, and Toes. Our favorite songs were ‘Elephants have Wrinkles’, ‘Head, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes’ ‘1,2,3,4,5’ was our number song, it helped us to learn the numbers in fun way. We practiced new sign languages like ’Mother’, ‘Father’, ’Sister’ and ’Brother’. our book was titled ‘I like myself.’

Small Group

Our small group activities were very engaging and interesting. We had Science (Tasting activity), Math (Matching shape), Cooperative game (Passing a ball), Art (painting with ice) and Movement (Yoga)

Mondays are for Yoga, as it was our class first time to do Yoga, we started off by reading a yoga book. We had different Yoga poses like butterfly sit, Owl pose, Caw pose, Cat pose, Lion pose, Snake pose. We moved our bodies, and we followed the instructions we tried to make the sounds of the animals!! it was enjoyable.

Tuesday: We worked on matching different shapes like Triangle, Circle, and Square, first we read a book which talks about shapes, and we sang relatable song we had different materials which all had different shapes such as cartons, paper plates, cups, and different shaped magnet then we explored with it at the same time we asked the children what Shape they had. We were happy to see all of our children identifying each shape.

Wednesday was our Library Day, we read different books which had animals like Cow, pig, sheep, and duck, first we reminded them the library rules and choose a book to take home.

Thursday: for science we had tasting activity. We enjoyed testing fruits that were sweet, sour, and salty. We had three different fruits: Banana, Strawberry, and Olive. First, we talked about what fruits we have in our circle and if they can tell us the names ,Then we gave them the fruit to taste it, while eating the banana they felt happy then tasting the strawberry gave them a different experience and expression as it was a bit sour, the olive gave them a salty sense on their tongue. The children showed different facial expressions.

Friday; another fun activity we had was 'passing the ball' first we made big circle then we introduced the activity for them. We started to pass the ball to their friends when they were passing the ball they were sharing, and they were building there social relation with their friends the kids were all interested on passing the ball to their friends.

Our work time special activity was Art; we had a messy activity which was painting with ice. We gave the Children different colored ice cubes to paint on the paper; they all enjoyed it and made beautiful Art pieces.

Small group

Monday – Music

Tuesday – Math

Wednesday – Science

Thursday – Language

Friday - Cooperative game

Special days

Art: Tuesday

Library: Wednesday

Work time

Our work time for this week and next week will be

Car and tracks center

Blocks center

Dramatic center


· Every Tuesdays, we have Art so please send your children with art appropriate clothing.

· Every Wednesdays is our Library day, so we will be sending a folder with a book your child picked from our library, which will be returned after a week on library day.


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