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Early Pre-k This Week!

Dear Parents,

100 days of school has already finished! In those days your precious children had have the chance to develop in many areas and also made a lot of memories.

Large group: In our large group this week we continued with the number ten ‘10’, the oval shape and the sound ‘a’. We had three different morning massages: counting numbers (1-15), finishing a ‘short, long, short, long’ pattern and sorting short and long papers. Moreover, our class favorite song this week was ‘The floor is lava’. 

“A for airplane” Tang Tang

“Ten” Malachi

Math: As we continued with our measurement topic this week focus was heavy and light. We prepared different materials for the kids to carry and compare which one is heavy and which one is light. 

Cooperative game: Our cooperative game this week was focusing on the team work skills, fine and gross motor skills. The class was divided into two teams and each team had a number of small balls that they had to move to another spot one by one using tongs and cross some cones in between. The kids had fun and were trying their best not to drop the balls.  


Science: This week, we started a new topic in our science session and it’s the ‘Food’ Topic. For a start we discussed the food in general and what everyone likes to eat then the kids started talking about the good food ‘healthy’ and bad food ‘unhealthy’. 

“I eat egg and pasta” Alen

‘I choose the food that is good for my body’ Julia


Literacy: On Thursday we had a zoo phonics bingo game where each child had to find a number of phonics on a paper and put a Pom Pom on it. They had fun finding the zoo phonics!

Library: Our book title for this week was “Clifford’s First School Day” which is about a small dog who goes to school with his owner and makes some trouble and at the end the teacher suggests that he comes another day when he is a little older. 

Art: In today’s art session our class had so much fun working on our first canvas. After we painted the canvas with the light blue color as the sky, we started to paint the rainbow and will finish next week.

“The sky is light blue” Noam

Gymnastics: In today’s gymnastic class we worked on strengthening our hands and arms muscles by hanging and flipping. We also moved hula hoops while laying down.

 Our schedule for next week:

Monday- Math

Tuesday- Music

Wednesday- Science

Thursday- Literacy

Friday- Art

Our specials

Wednesday- Ethiopian center

Thursday- Library

Friday- Gymnastics


Reminders and notes

  • As it gets sunny after snack, please send a sunscreen a hat for your child.

  • Thursday is our library class remember to send the library folder and book.

  •   Friday is Art class have your child wear suitable clothes.


Have a great weekend!







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