Early Preschool and Preschool
Dear Parent,
We had a wonderful week in early pre school and pre school. We hope yours was great as well!
We have two new friends who joined our class this week, Hala and Maya.
Reminder !!
we would like to announce that we have made some changes on our calander. After considering parents feedbacks and observing the high number of newly joined LE students in this acadamic year, we have decided for School to stay open as a normal schedule from Dec 18th - January 5th, therefore we will not close school for winter break. For those parents that are traveling later, coming back early or staying in addis your child can resume class as usual.
Optional Parent/teacher conferences will be on the 7th and 8th
Teacher appreciation days for the first semester marked on the 11th and 12th of December!
Our Large Group
This week our class was very engaging and fun, we introduced new songs "one finger one finger turn turn turn" they liked it so much. We read a book called "How much you love me". They told us how much they love their family and friends. On our message board, we had days of the week, attendance and the weather.
Small Group
Cooperative game
on our cooperative game, we prepared different color musical dots and then scattered them for them to jump on the same color. The game was for the kids to choose the color they want and jump on the one they chose, while looking at the dot he chooses. They also got to count how many dots they jumped on. This game also helps them in their physical fitness, identifying colors and paying attention. We and our kids were very engaged and played waiting for our turns.
In our math activity, we talked about different shapes and their sides. For example triangle, rectangle, square, Circle, star, and pentagon. How many sides they have and how to count them. They were too focused and excited while counting.
Solomon " Circle has no side"
Liyat "Triangle has 3 side"

We had an interesting story that all students listened attentively to. The story title was "i love my self" and the character talks about how much he loves his self and how he protect his body parts.
We all put on our art smacks and started exploring stamp. The kids picked their favorite color and started to dip the straw and stamp on the paper.
For our literacy session we did the zoo phonics letters with their sounds and actions. We practiced how to hold the color and how to trace the dots.

we started our Gymnastic class by stretching, jogging and running. Then we continued our session, 'head stand' by the help of our coach (miss Lucy) the kid were eager to have their turn and excited about the activity.
Please send the kids with a sport friendly clothes on their gymnastic day.
For our science session we explored with shaving foam. we used our light box in our experiment. At first the kids were kind of afraid in touching the foam, they slightly started touching it with their fingers till they fully immersed their hands in it. we talked about how the color and how it feels on our hand, is it soft, is it rough, is it bumpy. They were supper engaged and of course who doesn't like a messy activity right?!
Yamen "It is soft!"
Alen " You see my hand"
Our plan for next week is as follows
Monday - Music
Tuesday - Maths
Wednesday - Art
Thursday - Literacy
Friday - Gymnastics
Our Specials
Tuesday - Library
Friday - Science
° Every Tusday is our library day, please make shure to return the library folder.
° Please send your child with a sunscreen and hat as it gets sunny after snack time.
°Every wendnesday, we have Art so please send your children with art appropriate clothing.