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Infants and Toddlers

Dear parents,

We had fun and exciting weeks, the children were learning fun ways to share, building their social relation with others and so many movements in the playground.

This week we welcomed two of our old friends Greta and Youssfe, Welcome backšŸ˜„

Feeling textures: For the first week we put different kinds of materials in a box and we let the children touch, see, feel and talk about the textures. It was fun and fruitful experience for them.

On the second week we had the same materials, and we did the activity inside by the hallway by letting the children to walk on the sand, rice, cotton, beads, rough rocks, soap, and feathers. Some of the materials as mentioned above, were slippery and hard to walk on so we assist them by holding their hands. They explore the textures by touching, feeling, and talking about how soft, bumpy, rough, slippery it felt.

Obstacle course: We challenged the children by preparing a series task. The first thing they had to do was, walk around the play structure, climbing up and sliding down, walking zigzag through five chairs. Following, they crawl through in and out of a red tunnel, jumping with both legs into three huula hoops and climbed to the mattress and jump on it and finally rolled over. We then sat down to drink water and get some rest after so many movements of our obstacle course activity.

Color identifying; Childrenā€™s ability to see color develops an early age, we noticed that they loved different colors and start to talk about it. We setup our classrooms with colorful balloons, ribbons, and papers. We wanted to give them visual aids on colors when they look at around the room.

For the activity we collected varieties of different color materials in the big box and dump it in the middle of our room, like, balls, ribbons, blocks, bears, caps, and cars. We let the children to explore with all the materials, we tried to help them to understand the between materials with same color.

At the end, we label the different box by colors, and we let them sort the materials. The children did a great work and learn their colors, by understanding the concept. They identify, match and name colors!

Story time; learning to read should be an enjoyable process to keep children motivated to improve. We collect some of the childrenā€™s favorite and new books

While reading the books, we encourage the children to look at the pictures and share their own ideas about what the stories could be.

Next week plan

Ā· Monday_ Do a Yoga Poses

Ā· Tuesday _Math

Ā· Wednesday _ Story time

Ā· Thursday _ Literacy

Ā· Friday _ Science

Our specials

Thursday ā€“ Library

Friday - Art


Ā· As it might be raining please send the children with raincoats and boats

Ā· On our art day try to send the children with art friendly clothing

Have a wonderful weekend!

From Infants and Toddlers team!


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