Last Days of School
The last day of school, the closing of one chapter and the opening of another. we want to thank each child for the warmth, the memories, and the learning that we have shared this school year. It has been an incredible school year; we are so proud of you. We will miss You.
A Peek at our week
Different two shoe was the theme of June 12

School theme T-shirt was the theme of June 13, our class wore a white and blue color shirt.

Pajama day was so fun. All of the kids were like "are we going to sleep?"

Book Reading day, June 15
we had a calm and enjoyable time, reading our books, reading for our friends. sharing ideas.
We also published a book titled "All about me". Made with so much care.
Last day of school, June 16
we made friendship bracelets, where we expressed our care and love to one another..
Have a nice Vacation!!