Our First Blog!
Greetings dear parents,
We have been having a good time getting to know each other and understanding the school routines as a group. The past three weeks, our class were really helping each other get use to the school routines and transitions and problem solving as a group and we could not be prouder! They were interested with the playing materials, getting to know their teachers, and their new friends. We are happy to say everything was going enjoyable and comfortable.
Our Large Group (Circle Time)
We realized that our large group is the most anticipated part of our everyday routine for the past weeks, we have been working on greeting each other by saying ‘Good Morning!’, Practicing the famous ‘Good Morning’ song and choosing a song they like to sing such as the ‘Freeze song’ and ‘I like to move it!’ were the songs chosen by the charming children and has officially become our favorite song.
Next, we adjusted our calendar by asking our students to remember what was yesterday and guess what today was, introducing the ‘Days of the week’ and ‘The month of the year’ song helped our students understand the days and the month better.
Story time, was the most favorite activity for most of our class friends. The book is titled with ‘Fox and Lion work together’ that tells how teamwork works.
The last part of our large group was our Caterpillar, caterpillar is set for the purpose of counting the days we have been coming to school, and today marks the 15th day of school! we are counting the days for our caterpillar to hit its 100th day of school! Working on our caterpillar also lets the children be familiar with counting numbers, identifying shapes and colors.
Small group
For small group, we worked on Mathematics, Literacy, Science, Art, and Journal
Language and Literacy
We have been working on alphabets Aa Bb Cc with their phoneme. We practice the sounds of the alphabets with the help of our zoo-phonics friends.
Aa – Allie Alligator
Bb - Bubba Bear
Cc - Catina Cat
This activity has got its big role on the students’ ability to read, write pronounce words. Each Zoo-phonics stories help the children understand and help them be more familiarized with letters. The children enjoyed listening to the stories and sounding out the letters!
We explored with counting numbers from 1 to 10. We used our fingers, different colorful blocks to practice counting 1 to 10 through this we tried to sort things in color and shape. Most of the children were engaged in the activity with good interest and they were trying to count and tell the teacher how many blocks, toys, or fingers they have which really shows that our students are excited and ready to explore mathematics concepts. We also noticed some of our students were able to count more than ten, which is amazing.
Journal is all about spending quality time drawing and having a quite thinking time. We set up a very quiet and calm environment to the children so they can take their time drawing their favorite stories then they all got a chance to explain their stories to the entire class!
Journals have got a wonderful impact on the children’s self-confidence, self-esteem, and time sequences so on. We, as teachers witnessed some grate stories being told, a student tried to draw a caterpillar using numbers, which shows observing skills of the environment. On the other side we got a five-year-old who is an amazing painter, tried to draw a train with colorful materials that was wonderful to see. And many more interesting stories! We have seen that the children were interested in the journal session, and we cannot wait for the next session.
Our Science class was the most favorite class for almost all the children. We had the chance to explore about things that sink and float. The children were exposed to some materials like a bowl filled with water, light and heavy tools and then placed it on the water after that asked them what they observed. Astonishingly, the kids explained what they observed by telling light things float and heavy things sink that was incredible! The children had a blast!

Task to do at home
We have a Library time every Friday that lets each child expose for reading.
A book chosen by the student will be sent to home so that parents are supposed to read and discuss about the book.
Try to ask your child to talk about his/her day at school.
Try to ask your child to talk about the activities he/she likes the most.
Our plans for the next week Small Group Explorations :-
Monday - Literacy
Tuesday – Mathematics
Wednesday - Music and Movement
Thursday - Journal and Art
Friday - Science
Art – Thursday
Library - Friday
Please don't forget to return your child’s library folders on our Library Day. (Every Fridays!)
Every Thursdays it’s our special Art Day so please send your child with art appropriate cloth as art classes tends to get very messy!