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Early Preschool Insights

Dear parents,

It was another fantastic week at little Einsteins. The kids enjoyed all our messy activities and the Halloween talks we did throughout the week. Here is a brief description of it.

Large Group

Most of the talks in our circle time were about Halloween. We have finally decided to decorate our classroom with Ghosts, spiders, and skeleton. This week we made our ghost decoration. We have plans to make 'the skeleton' and 'the spiderweb 'next week. We also want to make the room darker too. All of this activities will give us a chance to learn a lot about skeletons and bones, spiders and the Halloween celebration.

Small group

Math – we were so engaged in making simple AB patterns. We practiced how we can make our own patterns using two colored beads and a string. The activity, helped kids develop their fine motor skills and their Algebra knowhow.

Science – we investigated how things have their own color. We explored with water, color and rice and rock. We sow how water, rock, and rice changed their color when we sock them. We enjoyed how messy the activity was and we talked about our purple hands for days.

Literacy – we continued developing our writing skills by writing vertical, horizontal, diagonal and circular lines. We were also focused on how we can hold writing materials like chocks, pens, crayons, and markers.

One of our plans for this week was doing washing the outside toys as community work for our school. But due to cold weather, we couldn’t do it. Instead, we played our favorite games to develop our social skills.

Next week

Monday- Math (Counting with Pomkins)

Tuesday - Science (What is a skeleton?)

Wednesday - Library

Thursday - Literacy (Tracing spider web)

Friday - Community work (Watering flowers around the school.)


On Friday we have messy water activity so please pack extra cloth for your kids.

• On Thursdays please make sure your child wears old clothes and shoes for art. It could get messy.

• Due to unknown weather conditions, Please pack both hot and cold weather clothes and gears

• Don’t forget to bring library folders on Wednesdays.

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