Pre-k News and Notes
Dear parents
Our week was filled with activities that exited and energized us.
Reminder: We will be closed on Friday April 26th and 29th for Easter Celebration. We will also be closed on May 1st for Labour Day.
We have been working on our volcano activity. We made two big mountains filled with lava. For our lava, we used Coca-Cola. Our mountain was ready for the volcanic eruption.
After we had a discussion about what we expect when we use our secret ingredient, which was Mentos mint candy; we put our secret ingredient in our mountain, which made an awesome eruption of foam. We were all in awe! Before exploring our second volcano we put a mint candy in the irrupted volcano, and there was no foam, we concluded that once the volcano erupts, it wouldn’t erupt again for quite some time. We continued the activity on the other mountain, and we had a blast exploring our volcanoes.
Our math activity was counting up to thirty. We started our day by matching two columns, which consisted of different shapes to the number of repetition they had.
We then went to our main activity. We counted our toys up to thirty and put them in a different box. After we all took turns counting up to thirty, we went out and tried to weigh some items in our class. We measured the different number of crayons and observed that when the number increases, it weighs more. Our conversation continued in our snack time.
We were all happy to start the day with the ‘freeze’ song. We planned to work on our alphabets. We all took a few letters and took turns showing it to our friends, making the beginning sounds and making a few words with the letters.
Our other activity was a game where we put our alphabets on the ground, and we dance to music until the music is paused; and we made the beginning sounds until one of our friends pick the alphabets.
After a couple of songs, we worked on all our letters and went to our snack.
Our art project for the week had a global map.
After we talked about our plan during our large group discussions, we all had ideas on what to paint on our canvas.
We wanted to use blue paint for our oceans, brown paint for our lands and green for our plants. We took our globe map to our art class and went on to paint our perception of our planet.