Autumn Adventures in Early Pre K!
Dear parents, we hope this blog finds you well. It has been a lively and exciting week in the Early Pre-K class, filled with educational endeavors and of course lots of fun!
Large group
This week in our early Pre-K large group sessions, the children learned about the color brown and explored the sound of the letter J, discovering words like “jump,” “jelly,” and “jacket.” They also practiced counting to 10, both forwards and backwards, and engaged in hands-on counting activities to reinforce their understanding of the number 10. Additionally, they reviewed all the two-dimensional shapes they have previously studied, identifying and naming each one.
The children practiced their writing skills by filling in the missing numbers between 1 and 10. They also took turns writing the letter J on the board, focusing on both the shape and the sound of the letter. These exercises helped strengthen their number and letter recognition while building early writing confidence.
Our Early Pre-K class continued studying patterns this week, focusing on the ABC pattern. Through interactive activities with different materials such as books, colored animals, cubes and markers, the children explored the ABC pattern by arranging three materials one after the other and repeating the same sequence.
Cooperative game
The students had a blast this week playing a game where they were moving colored balls from one spot to the other in pairs while being inside a hula hoop, which is a fantastic way to foster collaboration and teamwork!
Throughout the game, the children supported one another by helping their teammate get a ball and hold the hula hoop as they moved.
In science we continued learning about healthy and unhealthy food and this week's session was all about discovering fruits and understanding why they’re good for our bodies.
To make it engaging, we placed several fruit flashcards facing down on the mat. One by one, each child came up, flipped a card over, and revealed the fruit. They said the name of the fruit aloud, practicing pronunciation and language skills, and then held it up to show their friends. The children got excited, taking turns and watching to see which fruit will be revealed next.
As they named each fruit, we asked questions like, “Who has eaten a strawberry before?” or “What color is this fruit?” This prompted the children to connect with their experiences and learn from each other’s responses. By combining visuals, language practice, and peer sharing, this session reinforced the importance of healthy eating in a fun, memorable way. The children left the activity with a better understanding of different fruits and more vocabulary.
This week the children experienced the concept of rhyming words for the first time through the familiar and fun song The Itsy Bitsy Spider. We introduced the activity by playing the song and inviting the children to sing along. With lively hand movements and gestures to go along with the lyrics, the whole class joined in, enjoying the rhythm and actions of the song together.
After the song ended, we explained what rhyming words are in a simple, age-appropriate way. As we told them that rhyming words are words that sound the same at the end, like "hat" and "mat."
Then we replayed the song and encouraged the children to listen closely for words that sound alike. With guidance, they were able to pick out words like "spout" and "out" and noticed how these words sounded similar. This activity helped the children start to grasp the concept of rhyming in a familiar and engaging context.
Last Tuesday, our class got to explore a book titled ‘Polite Cat’. The story featured a friendly cat who teaches a big, bold lion about the importance of using polite words like “please” and “thank you” when asking for things, even something as simple as food.
After the story, we encouraged everyone to practice these polite words in class and at home. This session not only entertained the children but also gently reinforced the value of being respectful to others. The children left excited to try out their new polite phrases, just like the polite cat and the newly-mannered lion!
In our art session, the children got hands-on with sorting and gluing images of food to learn about healthy and unhealthy choices. Teachers provided pre-cut pictures of various foods, like fruits, vegetables, burgers and pizza. Then each child was given a paper divided down the middle, labeled "Healthy" on one side and "Unhealthy" on the other. The class sorted the food pictures, and then stuck them in the right sections with glue. This activity, and similar ones like it promote fine motor skills, help develop critical thinking, and introduce healthy eating in a fun and engaging way.
Enjoy some pictures from our gymnastics class today!
Our next week’s schedule:
Monday- Math
Tuesday- Science
Wednesday- Literacy
Our Specials:
Tuesday- Library
Thursday- Art
Friday- Ethiopian center+ Gymnastics
Reminders and notes:
● Tuesday is our library class so make sure to send the previous book back to exchange.
Have an amazing weekend!