Blog for Early Pre School and Pre School
Dear parents,
We had a fun -filled week! We had a wonderful time exploring different learning areas and playing with friends.
What have we been up to this week?
We start our large group by singing the ‘Good Morning’ song and other enjoyable songs like ‘Baby Shark’, ‘Down by the bay’, ‘The wheels on the bus' and we have been discussing about emotions like being (Happy, Sad, Angry, and Surprised) that was such a good way of sharing emotions and thinking about each other feelings.
Here are the areas on our small group
● Cooperative game
● Science
● Literacy
● Math
● Library
On our amusing Cooperative Games Day, we played a game called ‘Follow the line'. The game went like this: We had different shapes drown on the floor like (straight line, curved and zigzag line) with different shapes like (Circle, Triangle and Square) at the end. We tried our best to balance and walk along those lines, the most challenging one was to walk in zigzag, some of us lost our balance!!
Investigation on Literacy: - We had fun recapping our zoo-phonics knowledge we had been doing on the letters Aa-Gg and we talked about the names of the letters, and the sounds they make. We also worked on different words that started with these beginning letters!
On our science exploration: We have been talking a lot about keeping our personal hygiene in check. Keeping our teeth clean! We practiced how to brush our teeth properly using toothbrush on a laminated paper with a tooth picture printed out! We all tried to brush it well and keep it clean!
Art goes like this: we worked on an amazing artwork this week. We used yarn and different paints to make our work splashy!! We chose our own paper and colorful paints, we then started to dip our yarn in the paints and on our paper, we hold the yarn carefully and move it around our paper to make some abstract paints that made multicolored ones!! Little Einsteins artists do their best to make it special and express themselves!!
The mathematicians: - This week we looked around our class and the school compound for ‘Triangle’ shape, some of us found the shape on our snack and lunch boxes and even noticed that one of our friends’ snacks was a triangle pizza yummy!! Do you know shapes are everywhere?!
Library Day: - We read a book titled ‘The pig get staked ’ it was such an excitement time. We were busy reading and choosing books to read at home with family and friends!
Preschool and Early Preschool Explorations schedule for next week
For Preschool
Monday - Cooperative Game
Tuesday -Literacy
Wednesday – Science
Thursday – Math
Friday – Library
Tuesday – Music
Wednesday – Art
For Early Preschool
Monday – Cooperative Games
Wednesday – Science
Thursday –Library
Friday – Math
Monday - Music
Friday – Art
● The weather is changing so don’t forget to put a hat and sunscreen in your child’s bag.
● On our Art days try to send the children with Art friendly clothing.
● Don’t forget to return Library folders on your child’s library days.
Have such great weekend!