Blog For Pre School And Early Pre School
Greetings parents,
It was another great week at Little Einstein. We keep enjoying the beautiful sunny weather and we are having most of our activities outside.
What have we been up to this week?
We started our large group by singing the ‘Good Morning’ song and other enjoyable songs like ‘Baby shark’, ‘The wheels on the bus' and we had been reading a book that we chose titled "How to get dressed up" which was related with our science class activities.
Here are the areas on our small group
· Cooperative game
· Science
· Literacy
· Math
· Library
Our delightful Cooperative Games Day, this week we continued exploring shapes by playing a game called ‘Jumping on the shapes '. The game went like this: The shapes ‘Circle’ and ‘Triangle’ were drawn on the floor. So, when we were asked to jump on one of the shapes, we had to jump and tell the shapes we were standing on. It was such a fun way of learning shape. We all loved the game!
Literacy: - We discussed about the family members that we have and the real name of our mom and Dad’s. Some of our friends where surmised that ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ has other names too! Some tried to remember what their parent’s other names are. After having a long discussion, we started drawing our parents in our journals.
On our science costumes: - We enjoyed this class. We learned how to dress up by ourselves. Some of us tried to put on our jackets and others tried to put on socks. It was so challenging. Some put the jacket the other way round and the socks on their hands and upside down too. We are thankful for those who have been helping us to dress up properly and for those who made it fun!!
Little Einstein Artists in art class: we had a great time! We used ice and different color paint to make our work awesome!! We chose a cube of ice paint, and started to put it on our paper and our art pieces turned out be amazing! We also learned about how we can mix colors together and that we can get new colors, they were so bright and colorful!!
The enjoyable obstacle course: -this week we had fun playing obstacle course. We warm-up our body and start to play the game. We have used different materials like chairs and hula hoops. We used the chair to hang the hula hoops in the air. After that we crawl through in between the chairs and under the hula hoop and when we reach each hula hoop, we tried to stick our necks out and stand and we did this till we reached to the last hula hoops. We were so excited and could not get enough of playing it!
Math: - We kept exploring and looking around our class and the school compound for ‘Square’ shape, some of us found out the shape of our mats were square, also the pillow that we sat on and some books that we have in our shelf, the window and the wood and we even noticed that some of our lunch boxes were square. We love the way we spy for shapes!!
Library Day: Books train your imagination to think big. We encourage the children to read a book every day and library is one of the places we enjoyed reading books. We were busy reading and choosing books that we can read at home with family and friends!
Preschool and Early Preschool Explorations schedule for next week
For Preschool
Monday - Cooperative Game
Tuesday -Literacy
Wednesday – Science
Thursday – Math
Friday – Library
Tuesday – Music
Wednesday – Art
For Early Preschool
Monday –Cooperative Games
Wednesday – Science
Thursday –Library
Friday – Math
Monday - Music
Friday – Art
· The weather is changing so don’t forget to put a hat and sunscreen in your child’s bag.
· On our Art days try to send the children with Art friendly clothing.
· Don’t forget to return Library folders on your child’s library days.
Have such a pleasant week!