Blog for Prek and Kindergarten
Greeting Parents!
“Time flies”, this saying really comes true when we realized that our 100th day of school is on the coming Tuesday, January 31st .Our little friends are super excited to celebrate it in an interesting and fun way! We have been feeding our Hungry Caterpillar that it gets so longer.Through feeding the Caterpillar the children were practicing identifying numbers and writing them too.All the kids have brought so many interesting ideas for the celebration that we wrote them on our to do list.

Here is our to do list
-Making 100 hand prints on a canvas.
- Having fruit stand together.
-Decorating the school compound with hundreds balloons.
-Taking pictures together.
-Having class party together.
-Drawing ourselves like we were 100 years old.
Beside the celebration news,we have other news,our group is getting bigger that our class welcomed two new friends Ife and Simona.Both are really sociable and
active kids!We all are happy to have them in our class.It’s heart-warming to see
all the kids trying to treat and help our new friends!
Our large group
Our large group was interesting as usual.We were adjusting our calendar day to day,feeding the hungry caterpillar,discussing about our night,exploring our message board where we practice reading sight words, numbers and writing our names and reading book titled ‘Volcano’ the book liked by all the kids!
Our small group
Literacy Monday
The more children are exposed to books the more they will develop the love and
the devotion for reading or exploring with books, practice really does make perfect and the more the child reads,the better their overall academic achievement, social skills also get better.We start practicing reading sight words and writing zoo-phonics .The kindergarten group were exploring reading sight words whereas the pre-K started practicing writing the zoo-phonics.

Mathematics Tuesday
Numbers are one of the bases for exploring Mathematics.Once the kids have
mastered identifying numbers and writing,they can be able to deal with Mathematics activities.For the last two weeks, the kindergarten kids were
practicing writing the two-digit numbers and the pre-K were working on identifying
two-digit numbers.

Music and Movement Wednesday
Our music and movement session were fun filled.We were singing and dancing
together and discussing about high and low sound.The children were super excited
listening to high and low sounds.We did a movement activity outside too! Skipping
on seven circles slowly and fast was exciting for movement class.Such activities
let the children’s gross motor develop well.

Social science Thursday
In this session, we discussed about one of the community helpers and that is
‘Police’. We talked about what a police officer does and wear and then we made a
schedule to take turn to act like a police officer for our small community, Little
Einsteins. Two kids got the lottery to act like a police officer on Thursday and
Friday and the others will get the chance next week.
“A police helps people in danger!”
“I have seen huge police on the road!”
“I like police officers!”
“I’m the police officer today”
“Police officer does not hurt us”

Science Friday
Science is cool. It becomes even more cooler when children gets to experience by
taking part in the practice of science.There are several safe and fun experiments
to do with our children that help them satiate their curiosity.
Making a Volcano and having it erupt is something that our children ask to try out.
On this morning, we started making the model of Volcano and we plan to finish our
Volcano project in the coming week.

Exploration for next week
Tuesday –Mathematics
Wednesday-Music and Movement and Art
Thursday-Social science and Art
Friday-Science experimentation and Library
Thank you!
Have an enjoyable week!