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Infants and Toddlers

Dear LE Infants and Toddlers Families,

We would like to say welcome to old and new families to our by weekly blogs were you could see the activities your child has been doing on the past two weeks!

We had an exciting beginning of the new school year. The children enjoyed knowing their new friends name, new materials and new schedules. We worked on our Physical, Social, Emotional and Language development throughout the week.

We set up our classroom with new materials and in each corner we have, Reading corner, dress up and cooking, music corner, math, language, and scribbling corner.

This week for large group

We start our large group by singing the good morning song and other enjoyable songs like ‘Old MacDonald’, ‘Five little spackled frog’ and our finger play was ‘One to buckle my shoe’ and we read a book called ‘All about me’ and ‘Baby animals’.

This week for small group

Music: always brings children joy and happiness. We use different musical instruments like, Shakers Drum, Scarf, Xylophone and Flute.

We created an orchestra were they all come up with different sounds by taping with the stick shaking and listening to the different sounds it makes and we all enjoyed it.

Puzzle: one of the best ways to teach children language, solving problem and fine motor skills is through puzzle. We brought different puzzles for each child, we let them touch and see how the pieces go in. After that, we let them take out all the pieces and put them back in the right place.

Passing toy: We wrap toys with the gift paper, then we put it in clear box, we then introduce the activity for them and we started to pass it to the circle.

The children were excited to pass the toy to a friend sitting next to them and see what’s inside.

The present goes all over the circle one at a time. We worked on waiting for turn very patiently and developing social relation with others.

Finding toys: We focused on learning new vocabularies, listening, and understanding skills. The materials we used were, iPad, speaker, pillow, and scarf. After we introduce the activity, we hide the speaker in different place then we let the children listen where the music was coming from and guessed where it was by using location words like under the pillow, inside the box, behind the mat, top of the shelf etc.

They were all busy looking around the classroom by moving any object they see and when they found it, they were very happy to bring and show what they have to their friends and teachers. We will repeat the activity again next week.

For work time

Movement, Games and Building, Ethiopian center and Light box

Next week plan

Monday – Music and movement

Tuesday – Color identify

Wednesday – Story time

Thursday – Finding toy

Friday – Feeling texture

Our specials

Thursday – Library

Friday - Art


· As it might be raining, please send the children with raincoats and boats

· On our art day try to send the children with art friendly clothing

Have a wonderful weekend!

From Infants and Toddlers team!


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