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Preschoolers and the Kindergartens

Friday 12th March 2021

Dear parents,

In this week we were turning into super adventurers and navigated through different topics that took us to a wider dimension of exploiting the World.

This week’s small group


Cooperative game: This week we played a game that stimulates our sense of direction and restores our memory of a dimension as well. Since it is too early for them to recognize both their right and left sides, we just looked the position of the containers placed opposite of each other. Then we started to transport balls blind folded from one box into another, trying to follow the direction we were instructed like: go forward, walk few more steps, it’s right behind you, turn around…


Literacy: After we participated the large group activities with the Kindergartens, we came back into our classroom and worked on our small group. First we explored through the letters we have learnt previously, then made ourselves familiar with Honey Horse. We have used flashcards and traced the letter with a play dough, while sounding it.

In the rest of the days we were on a trip to the kindergartens and were super excited absorbing reliable experiences. Below are the activities:

This week’s Large group

Books for children are not only for enjoyment but to expand their imagination, vocabulary, communication and language development, geography and so many more advantages. When children are exposed to new materials, there curiously will grow to know more and explore. Ever since our groups started bringing books from their home, they have been gathering different fun information and have been developing the above skills. The fun book we explored with, ‘The Ugly Fives’ ‘Incredible Buried Treasures’ and ‘The Cookie Fiasco’, brought by, Alia, Yamlak, and Finnegan, touched different learning areas.

In the first book, we have tried to learn that being who we are is something we all should be proud of, and being ourselves is the key to happiness.

In the second book we started with the meaning of the words, Incredible, Buried, Treasure, Ancient, Pharaohs and Archeology. We have explored the ancient Egyptians and their treasures, the concept of money and how they use gold as money and so more.

The third book was super fun in that they kept asking us to read to them every day. The book is about four friends that had three cookies to share but have trouble dividing the cookie equally. It basically teaches children the concept of division in a very fun way.

Some Anecdotes while reading the books

Emily: “I don’t think they are ugly, the Hyena is my favorite!”

Victor: “I ask my mom if I can dig our house to find a bone but she said NO.”

Alia: “I think the Hippo is tricking his friends, he will eat all the cookies for himself.”

Therefore dear parents, we would like to say thank you for making our book reading time super fun. Keep up the good work and keep the books coming!

The Gardeners: we had a conversation about what to plant in our garden during our large group on Tuesday. We had two options, which were flowers or seeds of cabbage and lettuce, and the parliament inaugurated cabbage and lettuce with a majority voice! On the next day we went directly to work with our school guard help, by digging the ground we plan to work on. We divided the ground for the cabbage and lettuce; they used their time to put the tiny seeds on the ground carefully.

Shape makers: we have been exploring shapes for quite some time now, and this week, we explored how we can make different shapes using beads, buttons, and popsicle sticks. They all have tried to remember what they have explored in the last sessions and made different 2D shapes. They made triangles, diamond, square, rectangle, trapezoid, pentagon, hexagon, and circle.

Pictures of the Week

"Will this work for the bonfire?"

" Look! Jiver!"meaning Diver

"Adiam! What is this?"

Next week’s schedule

Monday: Cooperative game

Tuesday: Literacy

Wednesday: Library

Thursday: Science

Friday: Math

Special day: Art

Have a nice weekend

Thank you,



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