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The fun Makers at LE

Dear parents,

We a wonderful week, we love the weather; we spent our time outside with the beautiful sunny, rain and cloudy week!

We would like to say thank you to parents who (came to) attend the parent teacher conference.

We had time to share our observations, experiences and expectations with parents, hope you enjoyed it and we look forward to our next conference.

What we did this week

For large group

We started our large group by reading different books and exploring with different types of play materials we have in the Classroom.After that, we cleaned up the toys and work on the attendance board.

We greet everyone with the good Morning song and practice our patterns; we let the children choose their favorite songs, finger play which is the same as last week. At the end, we finish the large group by reading books.

Our small group

For Math, We explored with color and shape matching, we prepared four different shapes with cardboards like; Square, Circle, Rectangle and Triangle.

We used different colors to identify the shapes, the colors were, Yellow, blue, green and we add Pink. The children were very excite dto touch and look at the materials like, cardboard, wooden plastic shapes, around and they matched it with the same color and shape.

They also made patterns by lining up the cardboards on the floor and they keep pointing and called the name of the shapes and colors by using words like;blue square, yellow circle, green triangle, and pink rectangle.

For science _ we practiced making body parts with play dough. We prepare the play dough and paper plate and we let them make their own body part.

At the beginning the children were rolling, tapping, making the dough flat and try to make different molds.

We helped the children to make body part by showing them some examples, after they looked at the samples; they made head, arm s, legs, tummy eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and hair.

We had fun going to library and explore different books. We also checked out books from our library to take home and we drew stories on our special Books.

Our work time station were Games and blocks, Ethiopian center, Light box and our new Hospital center!

Next week small group

Monday – M /M cooperative games

Tuesday – Math (Opposite)

Wednesday - Story

Thursday – Literacy (Dressing up)

Friday – Science (Ice painting)


•Due to start of the dry season please pack a hat and sunscreen

•Please don’t forget to return library folder on Thursdays for the kids to check out books.

•On Fridays’, please make sure your child wear old clothes and shoes for art.

Have a Great Weekend!


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