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Kindergarten Monthly (September) News

What a wonderful Meskel celebration we had! The students have been planning for this day, and we are so happy that it turned out to be the way they wanted! We also learned some new Amharic words along the way, such as Melkam, Meskel, Chebo, Dabo, Buna, Demera, and Adey Abeba. Thank you all who came to celebrate Meskel with us! Hope you are ready for Kitfo!!!

Here are a few photos of the celebration!

Students and teachers setting up early in the morning for the celebration!

Picture Time!

Explorations this month!

Language-during the month of September we worked on letters and sound recognition, identifying upper and lore case letters and we continued working on the beginning, middle, and ending sounds using worksheets. The worksheets contained some picture clues and letters that were missing on the sounds. Our job was first to identify the picture, recognize the sounds, find which sound is missing, and then from the box, choose the letter that represents the missing sound. It was a bit tricky, and the students enjoyed the challenge and solved all the questions with a little assistance.

Math- We refreshed our minds during the month of August and September by counting, adding and subtracting together. We also introduced a new math concept called measurement. We started our class by asking the question of what measurement meant. We also discussed that there are different units of measurement, such as height, weight, time, length, and temperature. After that, we asked what tools we can use for measurement for height.

Science- Our themes this month was all about our body organs and their functions. We explored with the human anatomy, the students were interested as to how many organs we have! We will explore in-depth about the importance of each organ, how we can keep them healthy and their function!

Games- our friend Iyasu was kind enough to bring his Uno game from home to share with us! He explained everything about the game. We had a blast playing the game during large group exploration!


Starting from this month we will be having art on Mondays, so please make sure your child wears appropriate clothes and shoes, as we will be having messy art activities!

Have a lovely weekend!

Maraki and Liya

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