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Dear parents

We have enjoyed the last week of 2009 in Ethiopian calendar. Hope you did as well. In our large group reaching our popcorn challenge made us super proud. Small groups were filled with building on light box, number hunting, library, baking letter cookies and diluting colors. Work time centers and weekly specials.

Quotes from here and there

"Lava on the sun? that would be the end of you! if you don't have a suit on, you will melt as soon as you step on it!"

"You know, tornado is wind going round and round and you know what's funny, it can pick up an animal and take it to another town!"

"I want to play drum that makes more beat but my dad said I am not meant to sing, I can only play piano, Miss Gemo thought me "a lady bird going on a tree and fell off the tree, she is a brilliant teacher".

Next week plans

Small group

Mondays- no school

Tuesdays- Math( number shopping)

Wednesdays- Library

Thursdays- Literacy (Journals)

Fridays- Science


Monday: music

Friday: Art

Reminders: -Since we have Art every Friday please make sure your child wears old clothes and shoes. Please be respectful of our pick up times and help us have smooth daily routines. Lunchtime pick ups (from 12:00-12:30) afternoon pick ups (from 3:00-3:30) if you have any questions feel free to contact us during school hours.

Reminders: - there is no school on Monday due to Ethiopian New Year

Have a nice long weekend and Happy Ethiopian New year.

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