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Preschool class

Dear parents,

It’s the end of another great week for us at Little Einsteins! We enjoyed our snack and recess times as we socialize with other classes too!

We hope you marked your calendar for our 2nd annual art auction on may 12th.

All About this week,

The preschoolers had a great time during large group. We read books, took turns doing the attendance and helped each other solve the question of the day. We missed Immanuel and Seven this week we hope to see them on Monday!

We enjoyed our Math class; this week we measured how tall we all are! We were fascinated by the results. with the help of the teachers the children used yarns to mature each other and mark it on the wall. We found out who is taller and shorter in our group too!

This week’s science experiment was magic milk. We used milk, food coloring, dish washing liquid and toothpick. We poured milk on plate and added a few drops of food coloring to milk then we take about colors and observers if the can form new colors. After our observation we added drop of dish washing liquid to the middle of the milk the chemical reaction occur!! We were so excited to see the colors spreading away from the dishwashing liquid drop and began to mix and changing color! We decided we wanted to make further observation so we are going to do this activity next week.

Next week plans

Monday- Literacy (Zoo phonics’)

Tuesday- No School (Labour Day)

Wednesday- Journals (Sharing Stories)

Thursday- Science (Magic Milk Experiment)

Friday – Library (Check out day)


Tuesday-Music (Cooperative games)

Thursday- Art (Individual work)

Friday- Library


As you may have noticed the weather here fluctuates a lot during the day between hot and cold, we ask that you send your child with extra layers so that they can take off and put on accordingly!

Thursday is our art day, please make sure your child wear their ‘Art clothes’ because we use paints and our activities get messy!

Friday is our Library day!! Don’t forget to send library folders so your child can choose a new book.

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Preschool team

Negede, Liya and Eyerus

Negede (+251 911 968 881)

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