Infants and Toddlers
Dear Parents,
It was another wonderful week here at Little Einsteins; We celebrate Ethiopian New year by singing 'Abebayehosh'. The children had fun time playing by the grass area as the rainy season has given way for the sunny season. We have welcomed two new friends to our group Elliot and Noga.

We enjoyed our large group time, we sang songs, finger plays and read books. This week the children were interested in singing the ‘Miss Polly had a dolly’ and ‘Make hands go up and down’ Our finger play was ‘Daddy finger where are you?’
The children enjoyed our small group times. This week For Art, we give them a different kind of soft paper for each children to explore with, they were very engaged in tearing, ripping and squishing. When we were finished we kept it in the big clear box for our next week collage art.

This week for Music and Movement activity, we set mats all around the classroom and model different body movements. The children were happy to join us and start to Jump, Roll, Climb up and Down on the mat.
Our Work time areas were Community, Building, Ethiopian center.
Next week explorations
Monday- Music and Movement (Special)
Tuesday- Pick up pom Pom with Tongs
(Wednesday- Art (Special)
Thursday-Explore with a Block
Friday- Spider wave
Every Wednesdays' please make sure your child wears old clothes and shoes for art.
Due to unknown weather conditions, Please pack both hot and cold weather Clothe and gear.
Don’t forget Send the library folders on Wednesdays' for the kids to checkout a new book.
Have a great weekend!
Hannah- +251920819944