Infants and Toddlers
Dear Parents,
We had another amazing week here at Little Einsteins, the children welcomed a new friend, Nolawi and Su Su to our group. Just as a reminder Wednesday will be half day as the roads will be closed in the afternoon and Thursday school will be closed for Meskel celebration.

The children had a fun time during our large group, They explored with different things around our room and sang some of our favorite songs like (Miss Polly and the Wheels on the bus) and read a book every day before we went to small group exploration.

This week for our small group exploration we had Music, can you pick it up and spider web. The exploration they enjoyed the most was can you pick it up, the children had a wonderful time trying to pick up plastic balls using tongs and different sized spoons to put them in a big box, and dump it out again and do all over again.
Next week
Monday-Music (special)
Tuesday-Can you pick it up?
Wednesday-Art(Half day)
Thursday-no school(Meskel celebration)
Friday- Pass the toy!
The songs we will be singing for next two weeks are three little monkeys, Alibaba’s farm and 1,2,3,4,5. We will also change our large book to ‘Dear Zoo’.
Every Wednesdays' please make sure your child wears old clothes and shoes for art.
Due to unknown weather conditions, Please pack both hot and cold weather Cloth and gear.
Don’t forget to send the library folders on Wednesdays' for the kids to checkout a new book.
On Wednesday we will be celebrating Meskel, parents please join us also if its possible dress your children with traditional Ethiopian dress or in white cloth.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Hannah- +251920819944
Eyassu- +251967419389
Free- +251921331264