Infants, Toddlers and Transitional Toddlers Weekly Blog
Dear Parents,
It was a was an amazing week here at Little Einsteins, the children really enjoyed being back at school after the long break. They were very happy to see their friends and caregivers. They were exploring with different toys. We also welcomed two new friends Kaleb and Amelia to our group. Eyassu back in our group!

As this was the first week back to school our large group a bit longer than our small group. We gave more time to explore with the different areas in our room and reminded them the daily schedule. We sang different songs like The Wheels on the Bus, Miss Polly, and Head Shoulder Knee and Toes.
For small group we repeated some activities we did before the break began, some activities we did where puzzles, blocks, parachute fun and movement.

Next week
Monday- Music
Tuesday- Puzzle Hunt
Wednesday- Art (Snow Ball Paint)
Thursday- Making sensory bottle
Friday- Washing Toys
Every Wednesday please make sure your child wears old clothes and shoe for art class. We send out Library books on Wednesdays’ please make sure to send it back on time.
Due to the dry and windy weather please pack a hat for your children. If you have any questions feel free to contact us during school hours.
Infants,Toddlers and transitional Toddlers Team!