PreK and Kindergarten
Greetings dear parents!
Past week was filled with lots of energy and excitement, as teachers we are so proud of our class, it was another week for us to see our students being very devoted, energetic, and focused on their daily large group and small group activities. Especially, on Thursday in our social study class, we were very impressed on how focused they were when they choose and insisted on staying in class to finish what they had started even though it was snack time. It was a week with lots of accomplishment and love, we hope yours was too.
What we did during our large group time
Calendar: as always, we did our daily routine, our calendar. We counted the month, date, and year. One of our friends is filled with excitement as she will celebrate her birthday in February.
Hungry Caterpillar: counting is becoming interesting for our class, we have reached 108th day of coming to school on Friday.
Music and Movement: as usual our little friends always show us different moves by choosing variety of songs, and this week we sang and danced to a different song. One of our songs for the week was a “Season Song“ by Jack Hartman chosen by one of our friend Finnegan. It was such a fun time and showed us some cool moves.
Sight words: we did our sight words of the week with a tune that help us remember our sight words were “If, which, my, what”.
What we did during our small group activities:
Literacy: on Monday we did beginning and ending sounds of words. Great way to practice on pre-reading skills.
Science: on Tuesday we had a discussion on our sense organs. We talked about how seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, or feeling are the five senses. We talked about how our senses help us learn about the world. While talking about tasting, Yanet said she only likes the test of ice-cream. And Eliab convinced us our lips are only for kissing a friend and nothing more. While discussing, we worked on My Body mini book that showed our sense organs. They colored the mini book with different colors! For the next couple of weeks, we will be working on understanding our senses in detail.

Pre-kg: On Wednesday we did number identification through a game called? ”Mat math”. We took turns and jumped on a number that a teacher says out loud. We had got tricked as it was hard to listen to the number and make a quick move to jump on the number. It was such a fun game they had lots of fun helping each other find the number being called out!
Kindergarten: we gave them worksheets to work on about more and less numbers with big numbers, starting from 50 to 70. And they nailed it.
Social Study: On Thursday we talked about seasons, how many seasons we have in a year and what each is called. This week we combined last week’s topic with some hands-on activity that can let us asses their eye and hand coordination and fine motor skill along with the season concept. We worked on a sorting activity, we got busy sorting which clothing fits for which season. The children were busy helping each other sort the clothing style to each season. Cutting and sticking to each season also didn’t come easy for them but they took their time and did a wonderful job! They were so focused and interested that day that they wanted to finish what they started before eating snack. We are so proud of their devotion.

Cooperative Game: On Friday we come up with new game called “Floating Letters and Numbers “We had two containers filled with water. We put paper plate on the water, and it was floating. The game was to toss an alphabet and number dice on a floating paper plate. While playing the children were also busy to naming, sounding, and identifying the alphabets and the numbers. We had so much Fun!!
