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Preschool this week.....

Dear parents,

It was a great week at little Einsteins. We are enjoying the warm weather outside and our new play structure. Next week we are closed for spring break we hope you all enjoy your break.

Large Group

This week’s most favorite book was “I am not cute ” and our song was ‘Going on a bear hunt ’.

Small group

Our small group activities consist Science, Math, Library, Journals and Literacy. This week we continued talking about animals and their habitats after discussing we went around the school to find different animals and put them in their habitat. We used blue, green and yellow paper to pretend as land, water and air. For literacy, we started practicing zoo phonics. Zoo phonics is the sounds of the letters in the alphabet.

Phrases from here and there!

“Haynas don’t live in Harrar I have seen a lot of them living with people.”

“When I turn six I will be strong and big like daddy. Have you seen him?”

“ My mask is going to be so scary even mommy will get scared.”

Work time

Jungle, Space, dramatic play, light box and sound wall.

Next week specials

Monday- Journals Monday- Music and Movement

Tuesday- Math Thursday- Art

Wednesday- Science

Thursday- Literacy

Friday- Library


  • Due to start of the dry season please pack hat and sunscreen.

  • On Thursday please make sure your child wears old clothes and shoes for art.

  • Please don’t forget library folders on Friday for the kids to check out books.

Negede, (+251 911 96 8881) and Fre

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