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Infants and Toddlers

Dear Parents,

It was another great week here at Little Einstein's. The children had digging there new gardening area.

Large group

We enjoyed our large group having lots of fun. We explored with the toys on the different areas and we sang songs and read a book called 'Dear Zoo'.

Small group

This week for small group we did Movement, Gardening, Art, Sorting colour sorting and counting and Bead and ice. For gardening we had the children explore with mad and watch as the guard dug the grass for the gardening area.

Work Time

Camping, Cars and construction, Magnets and Ocean Centre

Next Week Schedules

Monday- music

Tuesday- Gardening

Wednesday- Art

Thursdays- Counting

Friday- frozen beads (science)

Reminder: -

  • Every Wednesday please make sure your child wears old cloths and shoe.

  • We will send out library book and make sure to send it back on Thursday

  • If you have any questions feel free to contact us during school hours.

  • school is going to be closed November 23 and 24 for mid term long weekend!

Hannah, Eyasu, Eyrus

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