Infants and Toddlers
Dear parents,
We had a really nice week! We are very excited about our carnival themed family day on the 24th of February and hopefully everyone will be there.

In our large group time we sang Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Our finger play was Five Little Ducks. We read a book called “How Much Do You Love Me?”.
Small Group
This week for small group we had Art, Treasure Hunting with Letters, Counting Tubes and Blocks.
Work Time Center
Cars and Trucks, Sand box, Ocean, Water Fun and Airport

Next week plan
Monday - Music
Tuesday- Balloon Fun
Wednesday- Art (Painting)
Thursday- Treasure Hunting with Letters
Friday- Exploring with Shapes
On Wednesdays please make sure your child wears old clothes and shoe for art.
Please pack a hat and sunscreen.
Don’t forget to return Library folders every Thursday for the kids to check out books.
Please send recyclable materials for Art Class (Tin cans, Tissue, empty water bottles, and Leads)
Have a nice weekend!