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Early Preschool Insights

Dear Parents,

We had an amazing week. The waiting is finally over! Our first family day for the Year will be held on October 27th. The kindergarten and Pre-k class have decided to have a Halloween themed family day. They have so many exciting ideas. Please stay tuned to participates in their plan. And also please save a day on your calendar to come and celebrate with your kids and the whole Little Einsteins Community.

Large Group

Our week was so much fun. What’s new this week was, how we talked about friends who went on vacation and how bad we missed them. We also enjoyed our discussions about the weather and how it’s hot outside and the clothes we wear when it’s hot.

Small group

Math – Last week we planned to decorate our classroom with shapes but this week the kids decided to use only one shape (circle) and they wanted to decorate with a pattern instead. We tried to do a simple AB pattern and posted it on our classroom walls.


Science – one of the fun explorations we did this week was when we tried to investigate what sinks and what floats when we put them in the water. The kids were fascinated by the idea of how ships float on top of the water and how submarines go under the water. they investigated materials they see in their environment and see if they float or sink. It was amazing to see how they investigate and see how materials sink and Float.

Literacy – we tried to make letters and numbers like forms by just writing lines and circles. The kids tried to make vertical and horizontal lines. Since we are starting to make descriptive marks now we are practicing to make later like forms.


Art - Our art activity this week, was about Developing our Fine motor. We challenged the kids to stick very small materials to stick on the paper using glue. ​

Music and movement – we enjoyed our music session by singing our favorite songs. Our gymnastics class also amazing. we practiced our handspring and headstands with the help of our gymnastics instructor.

Next week

Monday- Math (Making patterned necklaces)

Tuesday - Science (Water and its use)

Wednesday - Library

Thursday - Literacy (Drawing letter like forms)

Friday - Community work (cleaning our toys)


On Friday we have messy water activity so please pack extra cloth for your kids.

• On Thursdays please make sure your child wears old clothes and shoes for art. It could get messy.

• Due to unknown weather conditions, Please pack both hot and cold weather clothes and gears

• Don’t forget to bring library folders on Wednesdays.

Tip of the day


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